Proofreading means we check your text carefully for spelling, grammar, punctuation and hyphenation, and nothing slips through the net with us. Languages are living things, and when you’re translating or writing copy, there’s more than one way to reach the goal. But when it comes to proofreading,
there’s no mercy – it’s either right or it’s wrong. For editing, in addition to our proofreading services we also review your text for style, coherence, flow and sentence construction. Don’t worry, you’ll still recognise it in the end. It’ll just be even better.
Your text is understood. Our editors are familiar with a range of specialist topics. We’ll only let people work on your text if they know their way around the subject.
You’re always in control. We highlight changes in Word documents using “Track changes”. That way you can either accept or reject our changes. It’s easy...
The first twenty pages will be just as good as the last twenty. In order to guarantee a consistent style, only one editor or proofreader will work on your project. Their work is also double checked by our internal quality control before delivery.
You pay per word, not per line, per page or per assignment. That way you know exactly what you’re paying for.
You can find out what fields we specialise in here